21 Free Ways to Market Your Business Online

21 Free Ways to Market Your Business Online

Marketing your business is essential if you want it to grow. But marketing costs a lot of money, and you may not have the budget for a high-priced ad agency or Internet marketing company.

Instead of all those high-priced options, you can look into free ways to market your company online. They exist, and they’re surprisingly effective. But best of all, they don’t cost anything but your time. You can use all of these strategies during off hours to make sure your company gets the awareness and revenue you’ve always wanted.

We’ll cover lots of different ways to market your company online in this guide. To start, let’s talk about the basics.

Here is What You Will Learn Inside…

Search Engine Optimization

Google Analytics

Google My Business

Google Search Console


Yahoo Local

Bing Places

Bing Maps












Social Share Buttons



The most important concept is using the right tags. Tags are bits of HTML code that tell web browsers, search engines, and other algorithms how to interpret your page. When you hear people talk about tags and SEO, you’ll probably hear the phrase “title tag.”

A title tag () gives a webpage its title, like the title of a book. That tells search engines and readers what a page is about.

Search engines use title tags in their algorithm when they show search results to users. The title tags are always the largest bits of text in a page of search results, and they’re clickable so users can easily get to the page they want.

Optimize every one of your pages with title tags, keywords, and well-written text to get the best results.

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